Studio di
Architettura Ingegneria Urbanistica Ambiente

Collaboriamo nel tuo progetto

Chi siamo

As a national leader in our industry, Konstruktion is revolutionizing what you expect from a contractor.

La Nostra Mission

To integrate the entire building lifecycle into a seamless platform to redefine how the world builds.

In Cosa Crediamo

Passion. Integrity. Hard work. Professionalism. Caring.


Consegnando ai nostri clienti più chiarezza nei progetti e meno caos.



We offers substantial construction experience, competitive pricing, financial strength, integrity and a commitment to your project that is supported by a foundation of quality and workplace safety.


The geographical diversity, project complexity and public nature of civil work results in an exceptionally challenging industry that demands a high level of technical construction expertise.

Commerciale Industriale

Konstruktion’s industrial construction companies respond to the unique needs of clients in the petrochemical, oil and gas, pulp and paper, mining, and power and renewable industries.


We offers substantial construction experience, competitive pricing, financial strength, integrity and a commitment to your project that is supported by a foundation of quality and workplace safety.


The geographical diversity, project complexity and public nature of civil work results in an exceptionally challenging industry that demands a high level of technical construction expertise.

Valutazioni Ambientali

Konstruktion’s industrial construction companies respond to the unique needs of clients in the petrochemical, oil and gas, pulp and paper, mining, and power and renewable industries.

Chi siamo

È in grado di fornire un servizio puntuale e completo nei settori delle opere pubbliche, della progettazione edile, dell’ingegneria civile e ambientale, dell’urbanistica, della sicurezza e della consulenza. Per meglio relazionarsi e dare risposte alle singole problematiche, la società di ingegneria si è strutturata in unità tecniche ognuna coordinata da un responsabile:

Chi ci ha dato fiducia